What To Do When Pulled Over


Picture this. You’re just going for a regular drive, maybe just to get a few groceries or pick the kids up from school. It’s a normal day on all accounts and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. Errands are complete and you’re on your way home. You make the usual turns entering your neighborhood and all of a sudden you see flashing lights in your rear view mirror that can only mean one thing, this regular trip just took a turn for the worst.

As you are pulling over, you’re asking yourself over and over ‘’What did I do? What did I do?’’, well, this particular time, you simply turned without your turn signal. Some officers let something small like this go and don’t even turn their lights on. However, there are some, especially the new officers who have to go by the book that will immediately turn their sirens on. And when they do, here’s what to do

These aren’t tips on how to get out of a ticket, these are simple tips on how to handle law enforcement situations like these so that everyone goes home safely. Let’s begin.

Stay Calm When Pulled Over

There’s nothing that says guilty more than a frantic mind. You also can’t speak correctly when talking and explaining your side of the story to the officer. Staying calm gives both sides a chance to understand each other. It’s a traffic ticket. Relax, you’re not getting a life sentence. Just accept the fact that somehow someway you messed up, now own it.

Listen and Respond Politely to The Officer

This isn’t just a safety move, this is a psychological move. This gives the cop the impression that you’re in a hurry and that you don’t really have time to interact with each other or debate. So, this could either lead to a faster ticket or just a warning due to you looking like you’re in such a rush. Nothing in between. Of course, this is a safety tip as well. This allows the officer to do his job without worrying about other things. It also allows you to send a message that I am ready to follow all instructions without going back forth. It keeps you and the officer on even ground and incomplete understanding.

Keep Your Hands On The Wheel

This isn’t just a safety move, this is a psychological move. This gives the cop the impression that you’re in a hurry and that you don’t really have time to interact with each other or debate. So, this could either lead to a faster ticket or just a warning due to you looking like you’re in such a rush. Nothing in between. Of course, this is a safety tip as well. This allows the officer to do his job without worrying about other things. It also allows you to send a message that I am ready to follow all instructions without going back forth. It keeps you and the officer on even ground and incomplete understanding.

Have Your Documents Ready

You never know when something like this can happen, so it’s important to always have your documents in handy, quick access areas. That way, you won’t be fidgeting once the officer comes to the window. In other words, the more prepared you are, the less time and headache you will have. Also, having documents prepared makes the entire process easier and faster. The more direct and honest you are with the officers, the more you learn from the situation.

Follow Clear Instructions

Chances are the only reasons you get pulled over is because your actions somehow someway can danger others if you don’t learn from them. When you are pulled over, answer everything honestly. If they tell you to put your hands up in the air, don’t ask why just do it. If they tell you to roll your window down, don’t be a smart alec and lower your window down just enough. Roll your window down fully and remove that barrier to h.

If the officer instructs you to step out, keep your hands high and slowly step out. I am not saying you can’t express your rights, but if you are doing it just to try and test their knowledge, you’re just making the situation worse. If you are someone who records every situation, fine. No problems with that. But if they ask you to get it directly out of their face, then just do it. Move it to the dashboard so that they can explain in the best detail as possible, why they pulled you over.

Have A Respectful Conversation

I mean it just the way it is written. There is no need to get loud with an officer, there is no need to stir up chaos and other negative emotions. Sure there are some law enforcers that are hot-headed before you even are. If that’s the case, don’t fight fire with fire. Be the water in the situation and speak your peace gently, and in a respectful manner. Because the one thing you do not want to do ends up hurt or dead from combining two hot heads and only one with a gun.

When driving at any time, it is important to try and avoid negative interaction with law enforcement by obeying the law and traffic detail. Many officers have a bad reputation due to the past occurrences, however, the majority are fair and understand cops. Don’t treat them like they don’t have emotions or a soul. They are human also. I appreciate you taking time out of your day and reading this article. I hope it better prepares you for incidents such as this. Also, if you have a vehicle that you would like cash for no matter the condition, complete the offer form, or call us now!